The year is dying in the night...

1849. So many years ago.
A different time.

But words written then
heard on Radio 4 
still speak now.
Alfred, Lord Tennyson 
sits on hogmanay
and writes words
of hope and longing,
they touch my soul 
as I sit on the 
brink of 2013.

Yet again 
the year is
"dying in the night"
and as we hear the 
bells at midnight
we will say 
"Happy New Year".

Wishing away 
grief and war.
Longing for 
justice and peace.

Ring in the New Year 
tonight my friends...

"Ring in the valiant man and free,
the larger heart, the kindlier hand:
Ring out the darkness of the land,
Ring in the Christ that is to be."
(Ring out, wild bells)
