...travels of a 42 year old youth worker!

I realised this week that I have spent time with nearly 2 generations of young people.

On Saturday evening I drove a car load of S3-6 boys to sledging from my home church, it was great to part of their banter, stories and conversation, and it reminded me of all the years I have driven young people around Scotland and been a part of their lives even just for a short time.

On Sunday I ran in the 5k around Strathclyde park with my friend Lucy, later in the week someone asked us how we knew each other, Lucy answered "Jen was my youth leader" - and that was true, but now we are friends, and what a privilege to move from youth leader to friend!

And just last night I was making a powerpoint for a primary group to see what the Lanarkshire Weekend is all about and as I looked over the last 4 years of photos from that event - I was struck by the number of children and young people I have had the chance to get to know, care for, and to learn with.

A small contribution, but one I am so grateful to be a part of, as Shakespeare wrote "The powerful play goes on and you many contribute a verse!" - I've liked my verse so far!



  1. Great! Continue doing that good job, and I'm sure that it's more than that, since you also enjoy it deeply. May God bless you an stregthen you as you keep walking close to him!


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