Adventures at Scoughall

I've been meaning to blog about the adventures at Scoughall since we got back last Sunday, but the General Assembly of the C of S, numerous meetings, SU groups, essay writing, and ensuring the new boiler was put in the right place, were bigger priorities!

I also had to write my report about the event this week - it was interesting to realise that when an event has been so good there is very little to report. Are we better at using words when there are things to sort out and deal with, rather than using our words to describe beauty and happiness? These two words do describe last weekend's Megamix weekend!

It was beautiful in so many ways, the sun shone, we played on the beach, and had so much fun. During the "adventure times", when we explored the Psalms, one group chose to read the Psalm out loud together. It was beautiful to hear young voices and slightly older voices reading these ancient words together, words that can still bring comfort, challenge, direction, peace and hope.

The young people exuded happiness. They got on well together, they shared their stories, they ran and played and learned and grew together. In a culture where children so often are harried out of childhood, by what they wear and what they are surrounded by, last weekend gave brilliant opportunities for spiritually enhancing childhood experiences.

It was a privilege to be there - thank you to everyone who shared in that privilege.



  1. Sonds brilliant Jen, glad it went so very well! Catch up soon Gillian xo

  2. Hi Jen,

    Should clarify that although this is posting under Peter's google account (I don't have one!), this is Carolyn. :-)

    We were both sad our oldest wasn't able to make it to the weekend. But two of her friends from school went...I spoke to their Gran at the school gate, and she said they both had an amazing time.

    So thank you very much for all that you do - and hopefully next time (will there be a next time?!), Sophia will be able to join you.


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