
I don't have any particular concern or interest for pigeons, but I was intrigued to hear that homing pigeons will only come home to a safe, warm, nurturing environment. If the conditions of "home" aren't right, if they are cold, hungry, or feel insecure, they will find another home, or even go "native" and end up living on the streets!

The powerful need to be "home" has been widely expressed recently, as we have heard the stories of people stranded all over the world due to the eruption of Eyafjallojokull, and the resulting ash cloud.

Home may not be where we live, home is not about a place (although we can have strong attachments to our physical location) - it is people and relationships. Home is the place where we feel completely ourselves, where we aren't judged but accepted. Home is essential to our well being as whole human beings.

We also need spiritual homes. Communities where we are accepted, loved and listened to. Where questions can be asked and doubts expressed without fear of rejection. Where we are challenged and nurtured and able to grow, where the stranger is welcomed and noticed, the loner included and accepted, and the hurting are healed and restored.

How are our spiritual homes? What are we contributing to them to make them places where people would chose to be rather than go "native"!

