Easter Code

Tomorrow is the first Airdrie "Easter Code". Over the next 2 weeks 5 primary schools will visit 4 churches to explore Easter together.

The primary 7 classes will travel through holy week, visiting different locations which Jesus and his friends visited, as they headed towards Good Friday and ultimately Easter Day.

With the help of their school chaplains, they will have their feet washed, experience the pressure of the crowd, watch a film depicting the Garden of Gethsemane, eat a passover meal, and make a craft based around the cross.

At the end we will reflect together on what Easter means to Christians and what it might mean for each of them.

Find out more about the Easter Code at http://www.calderside.org.uk/

I need to be at Airdrie High for 8am - that means an early start, time to head to bed!

